As final grades are due and graduation slowly approaches, so do fears for seniors. Many seniors have their plans set for the future and know what they want to do, but others are still unsure of what they’ll be doing after high school. One thing a lot of us have in common is, we’re scared.
Whether that be because of plans not working out, professions not working out, or college not working out, the possibilities are endless. The big thing that seniors are scared of is a big change or a drastic transition into life going from high school into the real world.
For example, senior Charles Contreras is scared about the other responsibilities that come after high school like being an adult. Senior Diego Arciniega shares that he’s afraid to end up poor after college.
Some reasons are also about college debt and transportation. As senior Isaiah Gonzalez is afraid to end up in debt due to student loans and senior Aileen Campos is scared of getting her license to get to her college of choice. This seems to be a common fear among high school seniors as they only have the summer to get their license to get to their classes in the fall.
I am scared of life after high school because I’m not sure that I have a clear path to success. I know what I would like to do in the future but I don’t know what to do to get me there. This is completely okay as nothing is set in stone and things happen for a reason.
It’s normal for seniors to be scared of the future as we’ve been babied and are expected to step out in the world with no training wheels. The thoughts of, “Am I doing the right thing” or, “I don’t know what I want to do” are eating away at some seniors but we have our whole lives to figure out the world. Fear is normal.