Besides having a normal & typical day of school, students are able to discover their passions and acquire significant abilities that go beyond main academic skills. One of the ways you can do this is by joining clubs! Being a part of a club is a huge benefit for yourself to explore your interests and widening your knowledge on your experiences throughout high school.
Some of the clubs here at El Rancho include Spanish Club, Key Club, Robotics Club, Leos Club, Environmental Club, and so much more!
Key Club vice president Bella Zarate says, “We get to help our fellow classmates get involved in their community and hopefully this year, we are able to do more serious projects and get their service hours up so that they all around, help their community but help their applications with college. Overall, making them good citizens.”
Key Club is a great opportunity for students to get El Rancho to represent their community and participate in more service projects in the upcoming weeks. If you are interested in getting more information about the club, please see Mr. Sorenson for more information.
Vice President Stephanie Estrada from the Spanish says, “As a club, we would love to have more students and people join because we get the opportunity of promoting the club better by having more fundraisers and explaining how the club could benefit their extracurricular activities for their college application.”
The Spanish club gives students the chance to appreciate and explore more of the various cultures and aspects that come within the Hispanic-Latino community. If interested in joining the club, please see Mrs. Aparicio for information.
Various school clubs give students a space to pursue their interests and engage in numerous activities and opportunities. By participating and being part of these clubs, students will not only gain extra knowledge for academic purposes, they also get to prepare themselves for future endeavors in the real world!