The events of the Eaton and Palisades fires have left an immense impact in countless individuals & families’ lives, as they try to rebuild everything that they have lost due to this tragedy. Even during these difficult times, the entire Los Angeles community has come together as one in helping people rebuild anything that was lost in these fires.
The American Red Cross, 211 LA, YMCA, and over 100 hotels are offering free temporary or discounted emergency shelters and housing for anyone that has been displaced from their homes. Visit their websites and the hotel spreadsheet for more information on these available spaces.
The American Red Cross: Find Open Shelters and Disaster Relief Services
211 LA: Emergency Services Request
YMCA: The Y Is Here For You
Spreadsheet for Hotels: LA Fire Hotel Availability
Don’t have any access to the network? AT&T and T-Mobile are offering unlimited talk, text, and data from now to February 15 (T-Mobile) and February 6 (AT&T) to any customers who live in these affected areas. Check out these websites for more information.
T-Mobile: T‑Mobile Supports Southern California as Devastating Wildfires Impact Region
AT&T: AT&T Providing Relief to Those Affected by California Fires
Many organizations are also asking the rest of the Los Angeles community for their support. Any donations are being accepted by organizations like the California Fire Foundation, LAFD Foundation, Friends in Deed, Direct Relief, and so much more! Check out their website to get more information about how you can help partake in these donations.
California Fire Foundation: Disaster Relief Donations
LAFD: Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation
Friends in Deed: Support Our Community
Direct Relief: Helping People Affected by California Wildfires
By sharing these resourceful materials and reaching out for assistance, they are also offering a helping hand and reminding the victims that they are not alone during these difficult times.