El Rancho High School held yet another blood drive on January 22, with the help of Mr. Sorenson, a devoted teacher who has been instrumental to the cause for years. The drive, taking place in the school’s new gymnasium, brought together many students and staff members alike to make a difference through blood donation.
This year, the school added an incentive for seniors who donate: if a student donates blood three times during their senior year, they earn an honorary pin to show off at graduation. Alongside the pin, all donors received a limited-edition t-shirt or a gift card for Starbucks as a gift of appreciation for their generosity and acts of kindness.
Mr. Sorenson, an English teacher, has been an integral part of this event for a long time, encouraging students to participate year after year. His contribution to coordinating appointments inspires students to come out and support the cause.
The experience is both rewarding and educational, even for first time donors; it gives students the opportunity to help others.
“Honestly my girlfriend was the one who got me to donate, along with the free snacks and skipping class,” said senior Jayden Vazquez. “I’ve never donated before but it felt good just to know I’m helping people who need it.”
Just one pint of blood collected during the drive has the capability to save up to three lives, making this a powerful way for students to give back to the community.
The blood drive contributes to a positive cause and serves as a reminder to the community that even a small act of kindness, like donating blood, can have significant impact.