On Mar. 13 and 14, junior and senior students at El Rancho High School gathered for an unforgettable and emotional experience—the Every 15 Minutes assembly, a program designed to showcase the devastating consequences of drinking and driving. Through a realistic simulation, personal experiences, and the symbolic presence of the Grim Reaper, the assembly left an emotional impact on those who attended.
The first assembly began with a dramatic car crash reenactment, complete with emergency responders arriving on the scene. The haunting realism of the staged accident, coupled with the sight of fellow students acting as victims, created a heavy atmosphere in the audience. Students watched in silence, while many imagined the possibility of something like that happening to them.
A particularly moving part of the second assembly was the writing of obituaries for students who had been ‘taken’ by the Grim Reaper during the first day. One student, Angelica Casian, after reading her own “obituary,” said how difficult it was to write it, emphasizing how real the experience felt.
In addition, a video of the previous crash reenactment was shown, depicting the student actors getting into the accident, allowing those who missed the first assembly to witness the skit. Slideshows featuring photos of the “dead” students were also shown, further reinforcing the gravity of the message.
A guest speaker took to the stage to share her personal story, speaking about her younger sister who was involved in an accident and tragically lost her life. Her emotional testimony left a deep impact on students, making the dangers of drunk driving feel even more personal and real.
Reactions from students varied, but common feelings of awareness and reflection were clear in a majority of those who attended.
As the assembly concluded, the weight of its message lingered. The goal of the Every 15 Minutes program is to create a lasting impact, and judging by the somber faces and heartfelt discussions that followed afterward, the program succeeded. Whether or not it serves as a wake-up call or a reinforcement of values, one thing is certain: the lesson learned from this assembly will not be easily forgotten.