Opinion: Volunteering opens up new opportunities for friendships


Photo from blog.aifsabroad.com by Angela Manginelli

Skylar Becerril, El Rodeo Staff Writer

When people think of volunteering the general reaction is that it’s boring and a lot of work. But what if you were able to create meaningful friendships while in the process of helping out?


Best Buddies is an organization that allows anyone to volunteer and support people with disabilities. 


You can support them by giving them a mock interview, speech coaching, or communicating through an online platform to practice technology skills. 


While volunteering with Best Buddies I have been able to meet many people who I probably would have never met if I hadn’t joined. There are so many people with amazing backstories, who have overcome many obstacles, and are looking for people with similar interests. 


Here are a few responses from people who have loved being a part of Best Buddies and the friendships they have made while participating in this thoughtful organization. 


Best Buddies participant, Cyrus Bringardner says “Something special Best Buddies has brought to my life is the fact that I can make new best friends from all over the world.”


By volunteering with organizations such as Best Buddies you can make a positive impact on individuals, communities, and yourself. 


Best Buddies participant, Christine Mamow says, “While having a learning disability, I have done many fun activities with Best Buddies that have brought so much happiness to my life. The friendships I have made through this community and new interests I have found have made me feel so special and happy.”


No matter where you volunteer whether that be at a community center, soup kitchen, or beach cleanup you can make a difference. 


Best Buddies participant, Maia Garrett says, “I think the something special Best Buddies brought into my life is probably the opportunity to meet new people.”


Next time you are going to volunteer, try thinking of it as an opportunity to make meaningful connections that could last a lifetime.