Napping: Is it harmful or helpful to your sleep schedule?


Noel Gonzalez, El Rodeo Staff Writer

Napping: Is it worth it?


The average teenager gets a total of 7-7¼ hours of sleep. However, studies show that most teenagers need at least 9¼ hours of sleep. 


Teenagers and adults alike aren’t getting enough sleep. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the risks of not getting enough sleep include heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and depression.


After a long day at school, students may be inclined to take a nap. This brings up the question of whether or not napping is beneficial.


Is it healthy to be napping every day? The short answer is no. Excessive napping is a sign that you may not be getting enough sleep! Get as much sleep as possible.


 Although it may be tempting to lie awake at night on your phone, or watch TV, you will regret your late-night decision to stay up when you are struggling to get out of bed.  


Naps should be shorter than 30 minutes, or longer than 90 minutes, according to Healthline. If you are a student, you may not be able to afford a 90-minute nap. With homework and extracurriculars, it is difficult to manage time, and a long nap will only make it more difficult. 


There are, however, health benefits that come with napping. Those include relaxation, reduced fatigue, and increased alertness. 


That being said, if you feel you are in need of a nap and have the time to do so, then go for it. Though it is still important to get the required amount of sleep.