Things to do when it rains


Skylar Becerril, El Rodeo Writer

To some, the rain is an inconvenience and makes things more difficult to get done during the day. To others, the rain is seen as a good thing for the current droughts and symbolizes cleansing or a fresh start. The rain doesn’t have to stop you from having fun or spending time with the people closest to you. Here are different things to do when it rains. 


  1. Play board games 

For some people driving in the rain is very dangerous. In this case, staying home and playing board games with those in your household would be one way to pass the time by while it rains. 


  1. Try out some new recipes 

Being home in the rain usually sparks the craving for hot or warm dishes. Maybe you’ll find your new favorite dish. 


  1. Going on a walk in the rain

When it rains you don’t have to stay inside necessarily but you should definitely dress warm and covered when you go outside. This may sound cliche but dancing in the rain with a jacket of course could be something really fun and a movie-like experience. 


  1. Read or listen to an audiobook

Reading a good book with a hot cup of tea matches perfectly with the tranquility that the rain brings. Not to mention the sound of the rain makes for great background music. This idea could also branch into studying for an upcoming test or extra practice.


  1. Watch movies 

Watching movies with people in your household is a great way to bond and spend time together. It’s also a great way to catch up on new movies or tv shows. 


Instead of seeing the rain as a hindrance to your day make the most of it by seeing it as the time to catch up with friends and family or do the hobbies you haven’t had time to do.