El Rancho’s First-Ever Book Club: All Booked!


Skylar Becerril, El Rodeo Staff Writer

All Booked Club meets after school on Mondays from 3:30-4:30 to read and discuss their current book together. 


The club was founded this year by Junior Nadine Palmerin and Advisor Ms. Metaxes.


Nadine Palmerin says, “The purpose of the club is to get teens more into literature. For example, we may read a novel first and then read a graphic novel after.” 


This book club is for anyone who loves to read and wants to expand their knowledge of books with others. 


Palmerin says, “We want to show teens that reading does not have to be a laborious task but can be a group activity and help distress”


Typical meetings will include reading chapters together whilst discussing the book throughout the meeting.


Depending on the length of the book, chapters will be assigned for the club to read alone and then discuss at the next meeting. 


Palmerin says, “What I hope my fellow readers take away from this experience is to grow a strong bond for literature and find the genre that they like. We want to help encourage students to read in the future whether that be for a hobby, career, or knowledge.”


This club is a great way to make new friends, find some new books, and improve literacy skills.


“We also want to remind teens how reading can expand your knowledge and open-mindedness, helping you when deciding what you like and what you don’t like,” says Palmerin. 


Reading is everywhere, and this club recognizes the importance of reading to help different aspects of your life.


If you are interested in joining next year you can refer to Ms. Metaxes in the library.