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  • September 30Dont forget that there is no school on Friday Oct. 4th for students
  • September 30Homecoming dance tickets are now on sale!
  • September 30Dont forget to go to the homecoming game on Friday October 25th @ 7:00 PM
  • September 30Homecoming dance is on Sat. October 26th
  • September 27Last chance for senior portraits Monday 9/30!!!!
  • September 16Night Pep Rally is on October 24th at 7 PM
The Student News Site of El Rancho High School, Pico Rivera, CA, 90660

El Rodeo

The Student News Site of El Rancho High School, Pico Rivera, CA, 90660

El Rodeo

The Student News Site of El Rancho High School, Pico Rivera, CA, 90660

El Rodeo

Rafael Mayoral

Rafael Mayoral, Staff Writer

My name is Rafael Mayoral and I am 16 years old. I am in my junior year at El Rancho High School and a contributor to El Rodeo News. This is my first year a part of  journalism and I am very excited to be in the newspaper because I have always lacked participation in school events. One of the things I enjoy doing is playing video games alone, the main reason I like playing video games alone is because I intentionally play video games that only require a single person to play. I hardly ever travel to places but one place in particular I would like to visit is Singapore due to the sheer size of the city. Hopefully, I will be able to fill the area where I am in this class.

I cannot wait for the possibilities ahead of me! 

All content by Rafael Mayoral
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